The History of Advertising
The History of Advertising
‘The History of Advertising’, is one of my fave documentaries, all about what went on in the sometimes mad world of ads. Perhaps it should be called, ‘Madvertising’ :). The video covers centuries, even touching on millennia.
It’s truly amazing to see how advertising adapted, as the available media, and the world really, changed and progressed.
This documentary, covers vast eras, from ancient Greece, Rome, the Medieval years… onto the Printing Press, Newspapers, Magazines, and then moves on to Aerial Blimps, Radio, TV… it’s fascinating to see the changes as they happened.
McDonalds on the Moon?
The progression continues on today in modern times, where we’ve entered in to the digital realm.
The Internet, is in everybody’s back pocket these days. On our wrists with Google Watches, even Googles Glasses… at this rate, wonder when we’ll see the first McDonalds on the Moon? :).
Have a look at this wonderful video documentary, which covers all these changes.
It’s delivered in a light-hearted, but educational, informative way, a bit of a cinematographic masterpiece in itself. I love this video. If you’re into copywriting and invention, I’m pretty sure you’ll love it too.
Advertising Through the Ages – Infographic
Here’s a breakdown in Infographic format… think in terms of thousands of years of advertising, covered in one relatively small image! Courtesy of our sister-site, Vidadz.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this video, infographic, and article. I enjoyed doing the research for it, and putting it all together. It’s just a fascinating topic. The world is reflected in advertising when you think about it.